Fleas can jump on carpets, furniture, and drapes to indicate a flea infestation. You may find several dot-like bugs in your pet’s hair. You may notice that your dog is prone to scratching, licking, or biting its fur. You may also notice a lot of brown and black debris throughout your dog’s fur. These are the flea eggs that were left behind after a blood feast.
Scabs and hair loss can occur in dogs exposed to an infestation. They may also develop pale gums from blood loss. Flea-infested animals can also be more susceptible to tapeworms because certain tapeworm species use fleas as hosts. Flea-infested pets will have tapeworms in their faeces.
While fighting a flea infestation can seem daunting, there are several options. First, remember to treat your pet, house, and yard all at once. Then, contact us for expert flea pest control.